18 de abr. de 2011

Palm Sunday

We hear that they won,
But we know they just want palms,
Like a godson that is not a god son,
Or a good son, just alms...

Hypocrites saying: I hate gold,
But i like car, cell phones, clothes...
Their sun is like a moon, cold.
They say: I love the sun, but remain closed.

What kind of blessing comes without sacrifice?
What kind of God son do you love?
Nothing will scarce? It is suffice?
Portuguese is not enough, look above!

"The Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want."
I must not wish, God knows.
Don't think you know, look to the font.
Don't you find a nobody knows, He will expose.

And if you are just a single pose,
Don't you act like a bunch of roses,
Don't judge the ones you call 'Those'.
They may be one, and yours, just zeroes.

Don't be afraid to ride a donkey,
We never know the 'someday'...
You may think that have the key,
And have nothing on the palm day.

Leonardo Perovano

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